
Recruitment & Training

Evaluating capabilities , weaknesses and reputation of potential or existing clients , developing entry strategies in the markets , learning enough about the competition , maximizing opportunities for success and development of major contracts . Investigation into Violation Proprietary Rights / Brand Protection Investigation to seek out the origin of spurious / similor products , get raiding worronts and conduct raids with the help of related authonties , develop morket research programmers for information about the spurious products

Asset and Fraud Investigations

Asset and Fraud Investigations

Out Door Training

Subject Covered

Fire Safety Services

One best preparations one can have to handle an emergency situation is to have studied the general aspects of the situation before it happens . All the major disasters that have happened in the recent post , remind us that the people involved did not know what to expect and so had wrong plans and committed errors in their operating procedures during fire fighting .
Fire safety in high – rise buildings is very crucial . Fire claims huge loss of lives and property in the High Rise Buildings every year .

Our Clients

What makes us the best security guard company