
Our specialized investigation cell discreetly , professionally and confidentially investigates corporate , personnel and personal cases . Personnel cases which require human approach such as infidelity , matrimonial matters , divorce cases , child and drug abuse , which usually are not reported to the lawful authorities due to obvious reasons , are handled by our investigation cell in a very discreet and caring manner Our detective services include

Corporate Intelligence

Evaluating capabilities , weaknesses and reputation of potential or existing clients , developing entry strategies in the markets , learning enough about the competition , maximizing opportunities for success and development of major contracts . Investigation into Violation Proprietary Rights / Brand Protection Investigation to seek out the origin of spurious / similor products , get raiding worronts and conduct raids with the help of related authonties , develop morket research programmers for information about the spurious products

Asset and Fraud Investigations

Programmers designed for risk assessment , advisory services and country profiles , trocking assels in case of loon defaults , insolvencies and litigation assessments

Profile checks and Pre – employment


For Individuals :     About qualification , previous work history , education , financial status and character.

For Companies :   About financial history , business performance , reputation , shareholders and directors .

Our Clients

What makes us the best security guard company